The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers, including the weekly availability email. Be sure to check back regularly!
closed on 4/11 but open during Spring Break
Hi there,
We will have normal co-op pick up this Wednesday, April 4th during Spring Break. I just found out that I have to go out of town unexpectedly the next week for family reasons and won’t be back in time to have market on April 11th.
Only on April 11th – no market and only Fresh Harvest produce boxes. FH box pick up will be at Pam’s house NOT at Cultured Traditions. I’ll send out Pam’s address next week so we don’t cause confusion. FH will also send out a reminder.
You all know I wouldn’t close the market unless I had too. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
Thank you,